Department of Water Resources Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


Rajib Kamal
Assistant Professor
Department of Water Resources Engineering




Research Interest

My general research interest is in the area of hydraulics and environmental fluid mechanics. Specifically, I am interested in river hydraulics and mechanics of sediment transport with the application of mathematical and physical modeling to study the river morphodynamics, river geometry and planform development. I am also interested in the control and restoration of water quality and ecology of rivers, specially the water, sediment and pollutants interaction in the rivers. Current issues like climate change and its impact on the morphology and ecology of rivers lies in my research interest as well. Key areas of my research interest are as follows -

  • Hydraulics and Flow Simulation
  • River Morphology and Sediment Transport
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  • Ecohydraulics and Water Quality-Sediment Interactions of rivers
  • Climate Change
  • Application of ANN, GIS and Remote Sensing in water resources problems


Research and Professional Activities

December 2011 - To date

Working on various projects related to river engineering, river restoration and bridge hydraulics.

April 2010 - December 2011

Worked on the hydraulic and morphological aspects of rivers due to climate change to fulfill the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering.

April 2009 - December 2011

Guided senior students in the following projects:
  • Analysis of some tidal and non-tidal rivers using HEC-RAS.
  • Assessment of various hydrodynamic changes due to construction of bridge using HEC-RAS.
  • GIS analysis of various rivers located in different hydrological regions of Bangladesh.
  • Determination of morphological changes of Rivers using ArcView.

January 2008 - March 2009

Worked on the sedimentation in dredged channels and associated changes in rivers due to dredging to fulfill the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Water Resources Engineering.


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